Super Bowl Fellowship
February 9 6:00 pm
Join us on Sundays at 11am (no service on 5th Sundays) as we come together to take our children deeper with discipleship and intentional relationships! Our groups are divided into different age groups. Children's Church LIVE is located at the C.R. Neal Dream Center.
Leaders: Senior Elder Fred and Erica Kirksey
Time: Sundays at 11am
Location: Youth Development Center (YDC)
WIRED Teens Ministry strives to effect real change in the lives of teens that are in middle and high school by providing opportunities for participation in education, training, and activities that will empower them to continually live victorious Christian lives.
Youth/Teen Leaders
-Youth Pastor Antione Jackson
-Minister Kourtnee Jackson
Scholarship Ministry Leaders
- Kris Thomas
- Michelle Floyd
Media Ministry Leaders - Elder Dr. Brandon Glover and
Elder Eric Cameron
Volunteer Coordinator - Kataya Dease
Time: 2nd and 3rd Sundays at 11am
Location: Youth Development Center (YDC)
Generation NOW is a ministry that develops young men ages 9-19 to know the teachings and love of Jesus Christ. Mentors are partnered with young men to help them become better men that live for Christ. This ministry consists of monthly meetings, field trips, outreach activities and more.
The Visionaries Ministry seeks to help young women ages 9-19 appreciate their unique personalities by encouraging them to establish a strong foundation for growth through the love of God’s Word. Mentoring is also a part of the experience the young women receive while working with Visionaries. This ministry consists of monthly meetings, field trips, outreach activities and more.
The Scholarship Ministry provides scholarship participants a $1,000.00 scholarship in their first year of higher education. There are also educational classes and workshops that are held to help ensure a healthy start in the participant’s first year in higher education.
The Teens Worship and Arts Ministry consists of our Teens Praise Team, Mime Ministry, and drama productions such as skits and plays. Our Teens Praise Team sets the atmosphere for worship during our teens services that are held in the Sanctuary every 2nd and 3rd Sunday.
The Teens Media Ministry consists of sound engineering, production, video choreography, and camera operation. Teens work in various media components to enhance the audio-visual appeal of the services while gaining skills in media.