Small Groups

Small Groups are your source of friendship and support at Bible Way. They are your key to developing connections with those who share your interests or people who are dealing with similar life issues.


The Couples’ Ministry provides a wholesome environment that allow couples (married, engaged, and those considering marriage) to fellowship, share common bonds and interests, while striving to better understand God’s true purpose for marriage.


This time tested small group study was created to help married couples, both young and old, and those considering marriage, learn the biblical perspective on marriage and develop practical tools to build Christ-centered marriages. Couples will also learn the faith principals that will strengthen their marriage and draw them closer to God and each other.

The Couples’ Ministry knows how to have fun with style and class!


Ministry Leader: William Hayes 803.445.8323

The Financial Ministry is a ministry designed to help people put their financial house in order. People may want to participate in this ministry to learn how to free themselves from debt. It has been said that managing personal finances is 80% behavioral and 20% head knowledge.

Hebrews 12:11 (NIV) – No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

To become a better steward of all God has given you.


Ministry Leader: Larry Melton 8032063011

The purpose of the Military Support Ministry is to focus on the unique needs and issues of military families. Today, due to long deployments, frequent training exercises and a transient lifestyle, military families need a support system more than ever. Bible Way Church of Atlas Road is committed to supporting our soldiers and their families.

The Bible Way Church of Atlas Road's Military Support Ministry is committed to being proactive in our ministry to the unique and changing culture of our military families. We are dedicated to helping other churches realize the need for a focused Military Support Ministry by sharing ideas on supporting and ministering to our soldiers and their families and by equipping those in the military to be missionaries in their military communities.


1. MONTHLY MEETINGS: Last Wednesday of each month
2. ACTIVITIES: Mentoring to families of deployed soldiers, dissemination of care packages
3. SOCIAL EVENTS: National Day of Prayer, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day and Military Appreciation Day

GET INVOLVED AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE...To join MSM or to learn more about the program, please call 803.206.3011.


The Singles' Ministry supports and encourages Christian singles to live godly. The Singles' Ministry focuses on outreach, fellowship, and godly relationships.

Outreach – the outward focus of spreading God's word and sharing His love with the community
Fellowship – coming together as believers to praise God Godly Relationships – Building a relationship that glorifies God

The ministry is a family that supports each another. The ministry allows you to meet new people, build friendships and fellowship with one another.


Ministry Leader: William Hayes 803.445.8323

Deborah Hayes 803.467.1029

The Total Recovery Ministry is an "overcomer's ministry" designed to encourage and support individuals dealing with real life issues that can separate them from the blessings of God.

This ministry offers no judgement on anyone.
What is discussed is confidential unless otherwise notified.

Our scripture: Romans 3:23-24 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.