Perfume Exchange Party
March 28 7:00 - 9:30 pm
“Endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit of the bond of peace”
Women have been a vital part of the ongoing ministry of the Bible Way Church of Atlas Road since its humble beginnings in 1963. This ministry now reaches around the world with a special focus on intercessory prayer and bible study.
The purpose of the Women’s Ministry is to equip women to minister to others with the common goal of doing the will of God.
The Women’s Ministry is dedicated to embracing all women in the church. Although all women who join Bible Way are considered a part of the Women’s Ministry, we encourage active participation in any of the ministries, programs and services being offered in order to stimulate spiritual growth. By this, we endeavor to create an atmosphere where women can experience spiritual maturity and fellowship, develop their leadership skills, and minister to others in the local church and their communities.
Dedicated women are making a significant difference by their commitment to devote their time, talents and finances to promote the goals of the Women’s Ministry. We encourage women to accept their responsibility as women of God who will offer themselves as living sacrifices, acceptable and pleasing to God; be devoted to one another in love, honoring one another above themselves; serve God and Bible Way with zeal, keeping their spiritual fervor; joyfully hope; being patient in affliction and faithful in prayer; and sharing with God’s people who are in need.
Ministry Contact: Associate Pastor Willie Mae Jackson, President
20-30 CLUB
This ministry is enlightening, fun, and focused on today’s young women between the ages of 20-30. Register or sign up at bwcar.org to get involved.
This ministry provides opportunities for women to gather together to build relationships in formal settings.
Heart-to-Heart utilizes women who are spiritually mature in Christ to provide non-judgmental, godly counsel to those new in Christ. Home visits, lunches, and recognition on Mother’s Day highlight some of the activities of this ministry.
The purpose of this ministry is to provide a safe, confidential forum for widows to share information that addresses many of the issues they face during their grieving process or journey. We want the end result to be “JOY!”
This ministry focuses on the “Church Mothers” of Bible Way Church of Atlas Road by conducting hospital/home visitations, community service, and other supporting endeavors that fulfill God’s will for his people.
This ministry will work for The Women’s Ministry, Women’s Center and the Office of the Pastor’s Wife by providing promotional items, identifying funding opportunities and supporting the ministry.
Every Tuesday at 6:00AM
Call 1.425.436.6302
Access Code: 782443#
The Survivor’s Ministry is a support system designed to help nurture emotional, psychological and spiritual needs of women. This ministry will build courage, spiritual tenacity, and dispense comfort into the lives of the individuals and their loved ones.
The Woman’s Touch is a live internet, talk-show style broadcast. It is a spin-off from our newsletter entitled, The Woman’s Touch.
This Bible Study class is designed exclusively for women, enabling them to effectively proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout their lifetime.
The Women’s Ministry hosts an annual Women’s Day during the month of March. All women are encouraged to participate in the celebratory event.
The Jannie R. Jackson Women’s Center will provides a variety of support for women of all ages throughout the Columbia area. The Women’s Center is located at 2628 Atlas Road, Columbia, SC 29209.
Willie Mae Jackson, Founder | Cassandra Ward, Director
The following components fall under the Jannie R. Jackson Women’s Center:
Girls’ Academy (JRJWC) – This ministry assists girls between the ages of 6-18 with tutoring, etiquette, and summer camp programs.
Teen Support (Ruth House) – This ministry aims to show pregnant and teenage mothers that their lives are not over because of their situation by embracing, supporting, guiding and educating young ladies facing unplanned pregnancies.
Women Against Domestic Violence (JRJWC) – This ministry aims to increase awareness of domestic violence by offering workshops, support groups, educational material in English and Spanish, and domestic violence awareness training to local clergy.