The Legacy Continues
Darrell Jackson, Sr. served as co-pastor under Bishop Jackson for several years. Upon Bishop Jackson’s retirement in 1996, he assumed the role as Senior Pastor of Bible Way Church of Atlas Road.
Since that time, God has continued to manifest Himself in a most anointed way, touching thousands of lives weekly.

In October 2006, Bible Way Church of Atlas Road purchased 106+ acres in southeast Columbia (South Carolina). This mixed use development project, Congaree Pointe, highlights a tremendous economic endeavor for faith based institutions. It is solely a project between the church and private industry. While not the first project of this nature, it is certainly one of the few and most comprehensive!
Also in 2006, Dr. John Vaughn, founder of the Church Growth Today at the Center for the Study of Growing Churches, named Bible Way Church of Atlas Road as one of the 50 most influential churches in the United States ! Bible Way was recognized for its consistently high number of congregants and its relationship with the community. This honor is a true testament to our commitment to continue striving to win souls for Christ!